Acquire 50k-20m+ in capital to scale your business.

Over the past 4 years Blake Evertsen and Eyad Abbas have helped over 300+ private clients looking to acquire capital for their businesses.

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Featured in...

20+ Hours

of Course Material

Never pay a funding company again. Broken up into 20 Modules with over 146 lessons and a collective 20+ hours of footage the E2 Funding Vault contains everything you need to know to secure the maximum amount of credit your file qualifies for.

$20,000 - $2m+

of Funding Per Client

When our methodologies are implemented our clients acquire 50,000 - 2m in personal and business capital. We've had clients acquire $757,000 and $895,000 in total before. All unsecured, no collateral required. For clients looking to acquire more we have private equity and debt facilities that span from 50m - 250m depending on our clients needs.

4 Years 

of Funding Data Collection & Analysis

Blake and Eyad have independently scaled their own 7 figure (1,000,000+) funding businesses and pack 4 years worth of  data collection into this course.

Several Clients Unlocking Funding Each Month.



Gain Access To Our Formula 

Rapid Funding Acquisition

If you are in a time crunch to acquire capital our education program is for you. We see clients acquire maximum results in under 30 days. 

Entrepreneurial Community

When you purchase our course you gain access to all the entrepreneurs we've ever worked with. Build your business with like-minded credit experts like you.

Seasoned Expertise

When you purchase our course you are purchasing information and expertise that took several years to build. If you want  slapped-together product you've come to the wrong place. 

1-on-1 Guidance

Within the course you have the option to receive 1-on-1 personal guidance for us to custom tailor a funding strategy specific to you. Never pay a funding company 10k, 20k, or 30k to do this for you. We'll do it at a fraction of the cost.

Proven Strategies

We do not bull**** as it benefits no one. There enough "get rich quick" marketers out there. And frankly, just like you we are tired of them taking advantage of hard working people. Any strategies we include in the E2 Funding Vault have been integral to our clients funding performance and our careers as consultants.

Immediate Results

We are not here to waste time. If you implement what we tell you in this course you will see tangible, material results. If you don't we are happy to refund you. Guaranteed. After completion of the course you will have what it takes to acquire the maximal amount of funding your profile may qualify for. If you are not happy with the program we will refund you within 30 days.

Step-by-Step Process

The course material is laid out sequentially to ensure your understanding of the credit space, common credit misconceptions and products. Then we go through sequence mapping and how to process applications to properly secure capital.

World Class Support

Our support team is inherited from Blake's funding consultation business and Eyad's funding consultation business so they've been with us for over 4 years working with clients. You will always have text and call acccess to a member of our team as you move through and implement the course material.

Course Curriculum


The E2 Funding Vault Course Contains 20 Modules with over 146 Lessons shot in 4k of your credit consultants Blake Evertsen & Eyad Abbas. They've released all of their secret strategies, sequences, product lists, and data sets that they've collected over the last 2 years funding clients 1-on-1. Students who watch all the curriculum provided will be masters of their own funding process. Students fund themselves millions of dollars over their business careers using this information.

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Funding Specialist

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Top features

  • 30 Day money back guarantee
  • 20+ hours of course material, case studies, & guides
  • Available Payment Plans: Flexible payment options catering to diverse budgets.

  • Weekly Coaching Calls: Answering all of our students questions and storing the recordings in one spot for you. 
  • 0% Rate Personal & Business Credit Education 

  • Fixed Rate Personal & Business Credit Cards Education
  • E2 Group's Private Facebook Group with all the other entrepreneurs acquiring capital alongside you. Successes, data points, and free content released in the private group daily.
  • LOC Stacking Strategies: Personal Line of Credits (PLOCs) & Business Lines of Credit (BLOCs)
  • Free Funding Sequence Tracker: This is the sequence organization template we've used for all of our private clients over the last 4 years. 
  • Lifetime Access to E2 Funding Vault: Unlimited support and assistance in building personal & business credit profiles through stacking strategies.

  • Step-by-Step Credit Acquisition Strategies: Guidance on utilizing business & personal credit effectively without incurring excessive fees

  • One-Time Fee (No Back-End Fees): Singular upfront payment without additional costs afterward.

  • Options for Private Consultation If You Qualify.








Private Business Funding Consultation

Top features

Qualifying, Serious Candidates Only


See if I Qualify

Frequently Asked Questions